Saturday 4 February 2023

Zero Carbon Birding at Lineover and Dowdeswell Woods

We're spoilt for choice for awesome places to look for birds in the Cotswolds, and the temptation is to always jump in the car and drive to the real hot-spots we have around here. But sometimes it's nice to do something much closer to home. So this morning I got on my pushbike and cycled a couple of miles or so up the road to visit the closest 'proper' nature reserves to where I live - Lineover and Dowdeswell Woods.

Bisected by the A40, these two expanses of woodland are really lovely places to explore, and not bad for birds either. Dowdeswell is interesting as it sits on the bank of Dowdeswell Reservoir, and as such can produce an interesting mix of waterbirds and woodland treats. Lineover is proper ancient woodland, pretty steep in places, and with some great views across to the Malvern Hills.

Looking towards the Malvern Hills from Lineover Wood

Don't slip!

The weather was a bit grey and dull today, so not the best for taking photos. This time of year also not as busy with birds as later in the year, once spring is sprung. But over the course of about 3 hours, with a bit of patience, I found a few gems in amongst the obligatory Woodpigeons, Great Tits and Carrion Crows.

Probably the top pick today was getting a couple of (fleeting) glimpses of Marsh Tits - one at the western edge of Lineover, the other near the north-west corner of the reservoir. I think these birds used to be a lot more common than they now are (common tale, of course) - so it's great to be able to find these in my local patch. 

A single Nuthatch from distance at the top of Lineover was another highlight - I tend to see these later in the year so getting this as a year tick in early February was nice. Over on the other side of the reservoir, a Treecreeper hung around just long enough for me to take some exceptionally dodgy phone footage of it. A gang of Long Tailed Tits tore through the trees over my head as I was picking my way along a stretch of the Cotswold Way that runs along the top edge of Lineover. And although they're not uncommon at all, I was pleased to get my first sightings of Coal Tits at the edge of Dowdeswell.

Other birds on the list today included Song Thrush, Wren, loads of Great and Blue Tits, a couple of Chaffinches, four Cormorants and a Grey Heron on the reservoir, plenty of Robins and a good number of Blackbirds.

All in all, a great way to spend a few hours on a rather grey, chilly day. Always good to get a couple of year ticks!

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